Are you a skater graduating from high school in 2025?  The 2025 Graduating Senior Award from US Figure Skating is open and accepting applications through March 14, 2025! Whether an athlete has just passed their pre-preliminary skating skills or is a member of Team USA, there is an award waiting for everyone!   To access the application, skaters can log on to your Members Only account and go to Skating Opportunities > High School > Graduating Seniors Application,

While figure skating is not a traditional school sport, it requires the same dedication, perseverance and time management as any varsity sport.  It is the goal of U.S. Figure Skating to help ensure the student-athletes are recognized for those skills.

There are four categories of recognition based on competition and test achievements in all disciplines of figure skating. Student-athletes are rewarded based on their highest level of achievement at either the Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze level.

Award Level



Isabelle Martins

Taira Shinohara


Emily Stenger

Please join us in congratulating our very deserving award winners for this year!